Friday, August 29, 2008
Retail Sales Worries
These are challenging times and will require a new way of thinking and viewing our businesses.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Emergence of Second Tier Thinking
He says, "It’s not that we need to form new organizations. It's simply that we have to awaken to new ways of thinking. I believe it makes no sense to spend a lot of time attacking the current realities. It is time to create the new models that have in them the complexity that makes the older systems obsolete. And to the extent that we can do that, and do that quickly, I think we can provide what will be necessary for a major breakthrough for the future."
What I am fascinated about is that in my lifetime alone, I have been able to experience or see unfold the different cultures and world views that he teaches. This is clearly dempontsrated in the New York Time Magazine article on Sunday Barack Obama, A Free-Market-Loving, Big-Spending, Fiscally Conservative Wealth Redistributionist - Read this for yourself and see this new way of thinking that is emerging that Dr. Beck talks about as "Second Tier."
Be well.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Therapy is a medical and clinical model and relies on diagnosis. Deals with identifiable dysfunctions in a person and is about fixing the past. It deals mostly with a person’s past and trauma, and seeks healing. The questions always are “Why.” Therapy helps patients resolve old pain. Therapy focuses on processes and feelings, and assumes emotions are a symptom of something wrong. The therapist diagnoses and then offers professional expertise and guidelines to provide a path to healing. Therapy style is one of patient nurturing, evocative, indirect, cathartic and parenting. Progress is often slow and painful. The therapist is responsible for both the process and outcomes.
Coaching is a learning and developmental model focusing on attainable goals and possibilities. It deals with a healthy client desiring a better situation. Coaching is about understanding the past as a context for the future. It deals with a person’s present and seeks to help them design and act on behalf of a more desirable future. The questions asked are: How and What. Coaching helps clients learn new skills and tools to build a more satisfying and successful future and focuses on goals. The coach offers perspective and helps the client discover their own answers. Coaching focuses on actions and outcomes and assumes emotions are natural and normalizes them. The coach stands with the client and helps her or him identify challenges, then partners to turn challenges into victories, holding the client accountable to reach desired goals. The coaching style acts as a catalyst to challenge and is direct and uses straight talk and accountability. Growth and progress are often rapid and usually enjoyable. The coach is responsible for the process and the client is responsible for the outcomes.
Coaching today embodies the superior purpose of psychology. It is not just about pathology, diagnosis and treatment of human facilities. It is, more importantly, the study of human potential and possibility. Since we are by nature infinite and unlimited, all things are possible. The purpose of coaching is not to repair what has been damaged but to cultivate the genius that resides within the human mind and the generosity that resides within the human spirit. Most of us have a story that we have created about ourselves that is so small compared to our potential it is ridiculous. In A Course in Miracles, it says we have been given the wings of an eagle. Is the story you keep telling yourself the one you want? If not, when would now be a good time to do something about it?
Coaching is about empowering people and helping them discover what they want and what they can do, instead of focusing on what is wrong and what they can’t do. By doing this coaching improves dramatically the overall mental health and the quality of life, both personally and professionally. Which would you rather do, focus on the past and what went wrong, or focus on your strengths and write and create a future that is filled with purpose, passion, financial success, love and excitement? Today can be the first day of the rest of your exciting life if you choose it to be. Why wait?
Therapy is about recovering and uncovering, while coaching is about discovery. It is about discovering the greatness that lies within each human being and the possibilities which are limitless. What do you really want?
My company, Practical Empowerment LLC, Marty McEvoy - Practical Empowerment offers its coaching clients a multi-dimensional process, that is able to be put into practice and is workable, and that shows people how to gain power and control over their lives, so they can create and have what they really want. What do you really want? What about you income? What about your relationships? How about your health or your business?
You tell me what you want and I will show you how to get it. Call me today at 608-637-6898 or write me at
Thursday, August 14, 2008
2008 Housing Act - Property Tax Deduction for Nonitemizers
In the hopes of providing some relief to homeowners in a difficult economy, Congress has enacted The Housing Assistance Tax Act of 2008. One of the provisions in the 2008 Housing Act is an increase in the standard deduction for state and local real property taxes for homeowners who do not itemize deductions. The standard deduction is increased by the lesser of (1) the amount otherwise allowable to an individual as a deduction for state and local real property taxes, or (2) $500 ($1,000 in the case of married taxpayers filing jointly).
The increased deduction may be of real assistance to you.
Please call my office to discuss how this benefit, and other benefits of the 2008 Housing Act, can help your overall tax situation. I would enjoy discussing this with you.
IRS Offers e-Newsletter for Small Business
Sign-up (view a representative sample (PDF) of e-News for Small Businesses) and you will receive information about:
Important upcoming tax dates for SB/SE customers
What's new for small businesses on the IRS Web site
Reminders and tips to assist small businesses/self-employed with tax compliance
IRS News Releases and special IRS announcements that pertain to SB/SE customers
Tax-related information from other federal agencies
When you subscribe, you will receive a confirmation message by e-mail. Remember, you must respond to this email in order to verify your subscription.
Subscribe Now
Quote By Dr. Maxwell Maltz
Friday, August 8, 2008
New Small-Business Website
These proposals are aimed at the small-business owner. You can visit the site, and find the following:
- How the NSBA aims to get the small-business community to speak out against the increase in IRS audits of small businesses.
- How legislation recently passed by Congress would require credit and debit card companies to report all electronic payments made to businesses.
The NSBA cited a recent study by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse that found the IRS increased its audits of small corporations by 41 percent between 2005 and 2007. Meanwhile, audits of the largest corporations plunged in 2007 to the lowest level in the last 20 years.
State and Local Taxes
After New Jersey, New Yorkers were in second place with 11.7 percent of their income taxed by state and local authorities, followed by Connecticut (11.1 percent), Maryland (10.8 percent), Hawaii (10.6 percent), California (10.5 percent), Ohio (10.4 percent), Vermont (10.3 percent), Wisconsin (10.2 percent) and Rhode Island (10.2 percent).
Next to Alaska, Nevada residents pay the least in state and local taxes as a percentage of income at 6.6 percent. That's followed by Wyoming (7.0 percent), Florida (7.4 percent), New Hampshire (7.6 percent), South Dakota (7.9 percent), Tennessee (8.3 percent), Texas (8.4 percent), Louisiana (8.4 percent) and Arizona (8.5 percent).
South Pacific - The Musical
“You’ve got to be taught to hate and fear, you’ve got to be taught from year to year, it’s got to be drummed in your dear little ear-you’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be taught to be afraid, of people eyes who are oddly made, and people whose skin is a different shade- you’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be taught before it is too late, before you are six or seven or eight, to hate all the people your relatives hate-you’ve got to be carefully taught!
You’ve got to be carefully taught!”
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Here Comes Everybody
If you have not read the book, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations, by Clay Shirky, Here Comes Everybody - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I highly recommend that you obtain a copy and read it.
It is very well written and a great read. It has lots of relevant and current stories to explain the message.
In the same way that the printing press changed society and the telephone changed the way we communicate, there are now a host of new social tools, from instant messages and mobile phones to weblogs and wikis that are changing how we communicate and how we receive our information. This book is about these new tools and how these tools will change how we live, what we do and who we are.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Team Mottos
Success isn't final. Failure isn't fatal. It's courage that counts. Alicia Coutts (Swimming)
Strong minds suffer without complaining; weak minds complain without suffering. Melissa Wu (Diving)
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Glenn Warfe (Badminton)
It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get back up that counts. Casey Eastham (Hockey)
Limitation is a creation of your mind. Ky Hurst (Open Water Swimming)
To be the best you have to beat the best. Ryan Carneli (Taekwondo)
What does not destroy us, only makes us stronger. Jane Saville (Athletics)
You always miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretzky Tully Bevilaqua (Basketball)
As you live, so you are. As you imagine, so you become. Amy Hetzel (Water Polo)
The more you practice, the luckier you get. Jade North (Football)
In order to succeed, you can not be afraid to fail. Tanya Bailey (Cycling)
Train hard, fight easy. Bradley Pitt (Boxing)
Whatever you can do or dream you can, do it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. - Goethe Jacqui Lawrence (Canoe Kayak)
Always believe in the power of your dreams and never ever give up. Nat Cooke (Beach Volleyball)
Stages of Human Development
One of my favorite quotes from Prof. Graves follows:
“Each successive stage, wave, or level of existence is a state through which people pass on their way to other states of being. When the human is centralized in one state of existence, he or she has a psychology which is particular to that state. His or her feelings, motivations, ethics and values, biochemistry, degree of neurological activation, learning systems, belief systems, … education, economics, and political theory and practice are all appropriate to that state.”
Research has now shown that humans can move from one stage to another through certain transformative practices. This is how we grow and develop.
Be well.