We decide with our “will” and the more decisions that we make, the stronger our will. The functions of “will” are to decide, place, shift and remove attention. Attention is the creative energy that brings about your reality. Energy flows to where attention goes. In the book, the Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles http://www.martymcevoy.thesgrprogram.com/ which the movie “The Secret” http://www.thesecret.tv/ was based on, he writes the following: “Since belief is all important, it behooves you to guard your thoughts. And, as your beliefs will be shaped to a great extent by the things you observe and think about, it is important that you focus your attention. Here the will comes into use, because by means of your will, you determine the objects of your attention.” He goes on to write, “Use your mind to form a mental image of what you want and to hold that vision with faith and purpose. Use your will to keep your mind working the right way.”
There are certain things that strengthen the will and certain things that weaken the will. Some of them are as follows:
1. Making decisions
2. Traditional foods www.westonaprice.org
3. Faith in yourself
1. Poor diet
2. Television and video games
3. Letting someone else make your decisions
In A Course In Miracles it says, “The power of decision is your own” Decide today what you really want, and if you do, I can show you how to get it.
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