Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich Think and Grow Rich! The Original Version, Restored and Revised, says “The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by human kind.” He goes on to say, “It has been said that anything can be created which a human being can imagine. The only limitation is that which one sets up in one’s own mind.” This means that anything that you can create in your marvelous mind can be created on the physical plane.
Everything in the room that you are sitting in, from the clothes you are wearing to the chair you are sitting in, was at one time, only a thought in the mind of an individual. You can literally create the life you want by first creating it in your imagination.
Your imagination is your ability to build big, beautiful, wonderful pictures in your life. This is really the workshop of the mind. Thomas Edison had carved into his desk, “imagination is more powerful than knowledge.” We are always imagining something, but we are not always imagining the right way. See most people imagine all the reasons why things cannot be done. They imagine all the obstacles and why things will not work. We have not used our imagination properly in most cases since we left the sandbox. What we want to do is focus on what it is we want and to build it in our imagination, over and over. We want to decide right now the income we want to earn, the home we want to live in or the relationship we want to have and start building it in our imagination.
You should go and read about Nikola Tesla. He had developed for himself an incredible imagination and used it to create all his inventions. He would literally create an invention in his mind, start it running and come back weeks later to see which parts had worn out. You can do the same thing.
Here is a practical method to really improve your imagination. Look at an object, then close your eyes and remember all the details of the object you were just looking at. Then, open your eyes and look again for something you did not see before. Then close your eyes again and picture all the details again. Do this a few times on one object and then go to another and do the same thing. Do this everyday for a few weeks, and you will develop an incredible imagination.
Put your imagination to work today and build the life you want. If you have any questions, please contact me at marty@martymcevoy.com
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