One of the seven steps of Practical Empowerment is health and nutrition. If you exercise and eat the right foods, you will most certainly be empowered. You will have more energy, your weight will be exactly were you want it to be, your hormones will be in balance, you will have beautiful skin, the digestive issues will go away and you will have less cravings and addictions. You will strengthen your will and it is the will you use to focus on and create what you want. What do you really want?
Your body is made from the foods you eat. Healthy bodies are not made from pizza. I invite you to add the following to your diet.
· A teaspoon of cod liver oil everyday. This will give you beautiful skin and improve your immune system. It will also help with the seasonal depression.
· Water-Our bodies are 75% water and we need sufficient water for optimum brain function, digestion, detoxification and energy production. Please go purchase a real good water filter that you will use for the next 20 years. Bottled water not only is not very good for you, but all those plastic bottles end up in the land fill and will be there for another 200 years. Divide your weight in pounds by 2 and drink that many ounces of filtered water per day from your own tap.
· Eat fermented foods that are organic and preferably you make yourself such as sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and high quality yogurt.
· Coconut oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, weight-loss promoting, and very tasty. Cook with it, put it on steamed vegetables or grab a teaspoon full and just eat it.
· Bone broth is not only good for your immune system, but settles the nerves after a hard day and is full of minerals. I make my own organic chicken broth and use it in my cooking everyday.
· Celtic Sea Salt-This is more that sodium chloride, this amazing stuff is an energetically charged mineral supplement, especially high in magnesium and balance with potassium and it really tastes great. Celtic sea salt will not create the health problems that our processed and bleached table salt does.
Now you might look at this list and be overwhelmed. Please do not be. Think of it as something you are going to do to be healthier, stronger and more vibrant. Start with just one new item per week and add it to your diet. Will it feel funny? Yes, because it is change and change always feels different. Welcome the change into your life for a more balanced, happier and healthier you. You will feel the best you have ever felt, I guarantee.
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