Today, I want to talk about my company, Practical Empowerment LLC. I want to talk about why I started the company, the products and services we offer, who would be a good referral and what you can do to refer me business today.
So what is it you really want? What would you do to be the driver of your life instead of being driven by it? Do you have a life filled with joy, passion and purpose?
I started Practical Empowerment LLC as a way to fulfill my purpose and vision in life. I want to inspire and touch people in such a way that they make the decisions and take the actions necessary to transform their life and the result will be a better and more beautiful world not only for themselves and but those they love. My mission is to make a meaningful and positive difference in people’s lives so that they can be more in life, do more in life and have more of life. So what is practical empowerment? Practical empowerment is a multi-dimensional process that is capable of being put into practice, is workable and that shows people how to gain power and control over their lives so that they can create what they really want. We do not have a contract to live forever.
I have been a CPA since 1974, a CFP since 1989 and have started, owned and sold many very successful businesses. I have helped individuals, families, business owners and organizations achieve better results for over 35 years. I have studied under some of the world’s best known teachers on success, including Bob Proctor from the movie, “The Secret.” www.thesecret.tv My clients have included all types of industries. My experience has been very practical. Yet at the same time, I have spent the last 25 years of my life doing what I call “transformational work.” I have attended seminars on yoga, diet, nutrition, communications, ethics, meditation, personal advancement, spirituality, energy work and relationships to name a few. The person I was in 1982 before I started doing this work and who I am today is like night and day. Quite frankly, I was a mess and out of control. Today I am very proud of the person I have become. To say the least I am very grateful. I have 2 awesome, gifted and talented daughters and when I began showing up in my life and going after my dreams, so did they. You to can change and take control of your life, and you can do it today.
The problem I see with most self improvement programs and the self-help world is that there is no practical application to make success a reality.
Practical Empowerment is for people who are looking for personal advancement. Practical Empowerment features a seven step process for financial, spiritual and lifestyle growth. There is mind, body, spirit and “reality.” The “reality” is the “practical” aspect of “Practical Empowerment” Basic things like time management, a clear vision and plan of action, a clear understanding of how your results are related to your mind, having meaningful financial information and filing taxes on time are important in business and everyday life. So is a regular exercise program, a solid nutritional program, meditation, mastermind groups and a clear understanding of how our beliefs are linked to our success. In addition, having a coach that can be understanding and unreasonable at the same time to provide feedback and direction will assure success.
So the products and services I offer show people how to first of all decide what they really want and then show people how to achieve what they really want. The products include individual and group coaching, seminars and customized presentations, books and publications, individual study programs, accounting and tax services and consulting services.
A good referral for me would be someone who is not real clear on what they really want, or someone who works really hard and just never seems to get the results they want or someone who wants to make more money, but not sure on how to earn more money. This could be a business owner or an individual. I love to go into organizations and do 30 minute presentations to small groups. I also work with sales organizations helping them achieve better results, so this would be a good referral.
What can you do to refer me business today?
You should listen to what other people are saying. When you hear words like I can’t, I want to make more money, it’s a problem, life’s a struggle, I do not know what I want, I am broke, what will I do, I do not know what to do and if only I won the lottery, you should set them down, tell them about me and have them call me right now.
You should go to my website, http://www.martymcevoy.com/ study the site so you fully understand all of my products and services and then refer others to my sight. Encourage people to sign up for my monthly newsletter at this sight.
You should read my blog once or twice each week at http://www.practicalempowerment.blogspot.com/. All of the information at both sights is designed to really help people.
Encourage people to attend my seminars and book studies. The next seminar is July 21, called “The Goal Achiever Seminar” and you have a flyer at your table.
Ask people what they really want and tell them you know of someone who can show them how to get it.
So what is it you really want? Not what you think you can have based on your beliefs and results, but what do you really want. Robert Schuler says, “If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been.” You do not have to know how to achieve your dreams, but you must take the first step. Emerson says, “We are very near to greatness. One step and we are safe. Can we not take the leap?”
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