Monday, July 16, 2007

Personal Coaching

I am often asked, “Just what is personal coaching?” “How will it work in my life?” and “What are the results I can expect?”

I heard a saying a long time ago that said, “If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten.” This is talking about your results. Results can be defined as how much money you make, your net worth, your relationships, your health or the size of your business. People are always trying to change their results without changing the cause which fundamentally lies within them and not outside of them.

All of our dreams come in a size too big, so we can grow into them. That means we have to change how we think, how we feel and how we act in order to achieve them. We need to do something different. We need to create a new story. Are you tired of your story? This is where a personal coach can be very valuable.

Among the many descriptions and different applications of coaching, the common theme is that coaching is a form of supportive relationship in which the coach will help the client to move forward to produce better results. Improved results are a natural desire of everyone. It is the Spirit within all of us, seeking to express itself without. Coaching is based on the study of human potential and possibility. The truth is that each and every person has infinite and unlimited
potential. The focus is on the goals of the client and the role of the coach is to support development from within, in such a way that enables the client to learn and achieve the desired results.

The roles of the coach are many, including but not limited to:

  • Providing clarity, focus and direction by helping the client to identify, clarify and move towards goals such as greater effectiveness, confidence, self-discipline or motivation. The goal could be improving relationships or health, or gaining a promotion at work.

  • Facilitating discussion around specific issues, such as stress at work or dealing with change and to help the client identify new beliefs and choices or adopt new ways of thinking, feeling and acting.

  • Providing a sounding board for ideas. This is very important in the business environment.

  • Assisting the client in learning new skills, such as public speaking, time management, financial planning, organization or communicating more effectively.

  • And, possible the number 1 role is providing accountability.

The focus is always on the client, helping them to bring out their best and maximize their potential. All of the tools and products offered by Practical Empowerment LLC are designed to focus on the infinite nature within all human beings and provide the essential knowledge necessary to help the client recognize and realize this potential.

If you are not happy with the results in your life, when would NOW be a good time to do something about it.

We keep it simple and practical, so success is assured. It is not necessary to have a degree in psychology to help people to create change and achieve the results they want. All we do is focus on the two most effective levers of change and those are awareness and responsibility.

Most people do not understand that the results they are getting are simple a manifestation of their current level of awareness. We help our clients raise their level of awareness, which often shows up as new choices in the way they believe, think, feel and act, so they gain a platform for improved results.

To maximize the benefit from increased awareness the client will need to go through apparent limitations that appear to hold them back. We help with this through responsibility. This refers to the willingness and level of commitment of the client to take action and by helping empower the client with practical tools to take action. This might include working with them on their beliefs or resolve and holding them accountable for their progress.

"The power of personal coaching lies in the fact that it provides an individual with the most critical ingredient for extraordinary, consistent success: ongoing support, detailed action plans, constructive feedback and, most importantly, personal accountability.

When a person knows that he or she will be regularly reporting on daily and weekly actions to a coach - someone who is going to give them unbiased and constructive criticism and unwavering encouragement all the way to the finish line - that person's commitment, enthusiasm and belief in the goal increases exponentially.

In essence, a coach is the catalyst that helps an individual to unstoppable personal achievement. In my opinion, there is no greater reward!" - Bob Proctor

There's nothing more exciting than to see individuals from all walks of life create phenomenal shifts in their thinking and results. More times than not, the person at the end of the program is hardly recognizable to the person who entered the program.

It's an overwhelming testament to the awesome power and potential that rests in the human soul ... your human soul.

Don't hesitate another minute. Contact me and begin experiencing success you really want in your life. It's your turn. What do you really want?

You can call me on: 608-637-6898 or at 608-606-1531 or e-mail me at

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