Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Laws of Money

  1. Law of Abundance. There is an ample supply of money for all who want it. To get your share, decide to be rich, and obey the Laws of Cause and Effect as they apply to money.

  2. Law of Exchange. Money is the medium for exchanging goods and services. It replaces barter. What you ear in an open market shows the value others place on what you do.

  3. Law of Capital. Your most valuable asset is your earning ability. It’s physical, it’s mental – it’s your capital. And your most precious resource is your time.

  4. Law of Time Perspective. The most successful people make their day to day decisions by considering the longest time period. Delayed gratification is the key to financial success.

  5. Law of Saving. Financial freedom comes to those who save 10 percent or more of their income all their lives. The way to do this is to “pay yourself first.”

  6. Law of Conservation. It’s not how much you make but how much you keep that counts. Successful people save lots in prosperous time to have a financial cushion for bad times.

  7. Parkinson’s Law. Expenses always rise to meet income. It happens to most people. It’s why most people aren’t rich. To be rich, you must flout this law.

  8. Law of Three. Financial security is like a three-legged stool: it rests on savings, insurance and investment. You must tend to all three to become financially independent and secure.

  9. Law of Investing. Investigate before you invest. Spend as much time studying an investment as you do earning the money you put into it. Never let yourself be rushed.

  10. Law of Compound Interest. Allowing money to grow at compound interest will make you rich. The key to making this work is to put it away and never touch it.

  11. Law of Accumulation. Great financial achievement is an accumulation of hundreds of small efforts. You should build a momentum to your savings plan and let nothing get in its way.

  12. Law of Attraction. As you accumulate money you begin attraction more money to yourself. Thinking about money as you save makes you a magnet; you attract more money into your life.

  1. Law of Accelerating Acceleration. The faster you move toward financial freedom, the faster it moves toward you. It’s an offshoot of the Law of Attraction: what you want wants you.

    By Brian Tracy

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