Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Will Do Whatever It Takes

I was at a seminar one time in Minneapolis and my friend Pauline asked me what I really wanted to do. I told her that I wanted to create a business that made a meaningful and positive difference in people’s lives and filled my life with joy and abundance. She told me that was really wonderful and that I should create an affirmation around what I wanted to do. I thought to myself, what a great idea.

So I created the affirmation, “I am now creating and providing a service that makes a meaningful and positive difference in people’s lives and fills my life with joy and abundance.” Again, Pauline told me that the statement was really good and made her feel inspired, but that there was still something missing. She invited me to consider adding the following words, “I will do what ever it takes.” Wow, I thought to myself, that phrase now makes me committed to my affirmation. No longer were they just pretty words.

My new affirmation then became, “I will do whatever it takes to create and provide a service that makes a meaningful and positive difference in people’s lives and fills my life with joy and abundance.” As I look back upon this experience and the lesson I learned, I am so ever grateful for the presence of Pauline in my life at that time and always.

“I will do whatever it takes,” means the following to me.

-Seeing all my daily tasks through to completion.
-Keeping my commitments.
-Practicing when I do not want to practice.
-Not violating the rights of others.
-Giving up something of a lower nature to achieve something of a higher nature.
-Walking straight ahead towards my goal, no matter what and realizing all my fears are just an illusion.
-Being persistent and not giving up.
-Being willing to release all my ideas as to how something should be or look like in order to move forward.
-Trusting in the process and being grateful on every step of the journey.
-Being willing to fail and then get up and try again and again and again.
-Being open to and willing to listen to the advice of other people.
-Constant and never ending improvement of myself.
-Accepting other people as they are.
-Being patient.
-Asking for help.
-Having the wisdom and understanding that the good I desire is already here, and that all I need to do is get in harmony with it.
-Saying please and thank you to everyone.

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