I like July 4 each year because it is time that I stop and be grateful for all those that made that courageous decision on July 4, 1776, so that we could be free. It was one of the most courageous decisions of all time, as far as any American citizen is concerned, when 56 individuals signed their names to a document which they well knew would bring freedom to all Americans or leave all of the 56 hanging from the gallows. We all remember the date of this great decision, but few of us realize the courage that decision required. President Lincoln’s decision to issue his famous “Proclamation of Emancipation,” which gave freedom to the slaves of America, cost Lincoln his death. Martin Luther King said, “If you do not have a life worth dying for, you are not living.” Mr. King died so others could live.
I like to use all of this as a metaphor to my own life and how it relates to my own paradigm and my own thinking. The word paradigm means a set of assumptions, concepts, values, beliefs and practices that constitute our way of viewing our world. In
A Course in Miracles it says the world we see is of our own making. Since we all have a different paradigm, we all have a different view of the world. It is our view and it was created by us or taught to us by others. If we want to see the world differently, which really means different results, we need to change our paradigm. To change the paradigm you must make a decision to create a new one and be willing to let the old paradigm change, which may seem like a death, just like those 56 individuals did in 1776. It is our “Declaration of Independence,” it is our new story.
I remember some of the most terrifying moments in my life were when I had to give up an idea or belief or concept that was no longer useful to my own transformation and growth. I had to choose to go for freedom. When my children were teenagers, it was my belief that I always had to be giving them advice and telling them what to do because that is what all the parents before me did. When I was told all I needed to do was tell them how great they were and tell them how much I loved them, my old way of thinking had to die to give way to the new. Did I get different results? Yes I did. Was it uncomfortable? Yes it was. Was it the right thing to do? Just ask any parent who has survived the teenage years.
I think we are all slaves to our own paradigm and we are not willing to make that courageous decision to change so we can be free. I have always liked the saying “If we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always gotten.” We must be willing to be “born again” and “to be the change we want to see in the world.” The Bible says, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Most everyone wants to get better results. The salesman wants to sell more, the business owner wants to earn more profit, the parent wants more for their child, we want better health and we all want peace in the world. Everyone wants better results. Results can be more money, better health, better sales, better relationships or whatever one wants. When you change your paradigm you will achieve better results in all areas. The great thing about it is you do not have to change the other person and it is so much easier that way. You just have to change you.
People are always trying to change their results, without changing the cause which is always in the mind. A person does not earn $50,000 per year because they want to earn $50,000 per year. They earn $50,000 per year because they are not aware of how to earn 50,000 per month. Author Joel Barker of the book Paradigm writes “To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgment is to put yourself at risk when exploring the future. To be able to reshape your future, you must be willing and able to change your paradigm” The paradigm acts like a governor on performance. Change the paradigm and you get increased awareness and achieve better results and your world will change. I can show you time tested and practical examples on how to change your paradigm, but you must make the decision that you are ready for a change and call me at 608-637-6898 or email me at
Is it not time we all decided to change and to create a new paradigm as to what is possible in our lives and the lives of those we love? When we do, we help change the lives of our children and theirs and the lives of generations to come. Can you decide to do that now? These are some I consider.
1. That world peace is possible and it starts with me and it starts now.
2. That I have been gifted with infinite and unlimited gifts and talents and potential and that what I see the other person doing, I can do to.
3. That I am whole and perfect as I was created and if I am whole and perfect as I was created, so must be the person I am looking at.
4. That I have a purpose and a vision, and that I can react to circumstances or events in my life or act out of my vision to get to the new story.
5. That everything I want is already here, I just need to decide what I want and become aware of it.
6. That God’s will for me is perfect happiness and that God is good all if the time.
7. That I am always in the right place, at the right time, for the right reason. Thus everything as my friend Marty Stuehler at
http://www.abigskyevent.com/ says “Is PERFECT and we just need to be willing to be shown the perfection and be grateful.”
8. That success and decision are partners and that all I need to do is decide what I want and trust and have faith that it is possible.
I believe that “Hope is born out of participation in hopeful solutions,” as
Marianne Williamson says in The Principles of Everyday Grace. Create a great day.