Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A Practical Suggestion

We have an intellectual faculty that has been given to us called our Will. Now most people think that the Will is like something we force, brute determination. But it is not like that at all. The functions of the Will are to decide, place, shift or remove attention. The word attention is derived from two Latin words, ad meaning towards and tendere meaning to stretch. This control of attention is done as either a self-determined act of personal will or in obedience to outside influences. Attention is the creating energy that brings about your reality. Energy flows to where attention goes. The Will can be strengthened through use and with proper nutrition and exercise.

All bad feelings are focusing on what you do not want. When you focus on what you do not want, you are both unhappy and you get what you do not want. Use your will and take your attention off of what you do not want and put your attention on what you do want. The power of decision is your own. You have the power as to how you focus your mind.

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